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Strindberg Chamber Plays in NYC

August Strindberg Repertory Theatre is staging two more of Strindberg’s late chamber plays, The Storm and Burnt House, in new translations by Robert Greer. The plays will be performed in rep during the month of October at the Gene Frankel Theatre (24 Bond Street in the East Village).

Dagerman Play in Staged Reading

Stig Dagerman (1923-1954) was a literary sensation in postwar Sweden. In 1947, he meets Viennese-Jewish intellectual Etta Federn in her hotel room in Paris. They become friends. Or do they? Federn worships her dead son, a hero in the French Resistance.

Kristina on Stage in New York

August Strindberg is best known in the English-speaking world for his naturalist and expressionist plays (The Father, Ghost Sonata). His history plays are less familiar outside Sweden but equally fascinating. The August Strindberg Repertory Theatre stages a production of Kristina from March 13-29 in New York City.